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dc.creatorRojas, Bernardo Darío
dc.creatorFernández Franco, Emiliano
dc.identifier.citationArellano, S. y Larraín, F. (1996), “ Tipo de Cambio Real y Gasto Publico: Un Modelo Econométrico para Chile”. Cuaderno de Economía N° 98. (1996).
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dc.description.abstractWe study the long-run determinants of the real exchange rate in Paraguay. Our results show cointegration between the real exchange rate and capital inflows as a percent of GDP, the terms of trade, and openness. We find that the degree of openness reduces the impact of capital flows on the real exchange rate: the more open is the economy, the lesser impact has a capital inflow on the real exchange rate. The dynamic analysis shows that 58 percent of the misalignment of the real exchange rate from its long-run equilibrium is corrected within one year. Finally, our results suggest that in 2000 the local currency was undervalued in real terms by about 9 percent.
dc.format.extent24 páginas
dc.relation.ispartofDocumentos de Trabajo
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDocumento de Trabajo
dc.relation.isversionofDocumento de Trabajo; N° 3
dc.titleDeterminantes del tipo de cambio real en Paraguay (1970 - 2000)
dc.typeWorking Paper
dc.subject.keywordREAL EXCHANGE RATE
dc.rights.accessRightsOpen Access
dc.type.spaDocumento de Trabajo
dc.type.hasversionPublished Version
dc.rights.ccCC0 1.0 Universal
dc.rights.spaAcceso abierto

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